Fuck. Shit! Sorry...
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arkenfox/user.js + (1) -
    The point was that google have said (stated in policy, but fuck knows where that is located these days) that it is anonymized and not used for tracking. It's an API used by **_4 billion devices_** - the API has privacy policies for use. If a whistleblower or someone else found out that google was using this to enhance their user profiling, then all hell would break loose. And they don't even need this to fuel their ad revenue. It is provided, gratis, to the web to help ensure security - they wouldn't dare taint it and get it caught up in a privacy scandal involving **+4 billion devices_**. And in all this time (since 2007), there has been no such whistleblower or proof it is used to track or announcements by google of changes to the contrary.
    Anyway, this is Firefox and hashes are part hashes bundled with other real hashes - and we turned off real time binary checks. So this line can fuck the fuck off. It was meant to reassure those who want the security of real-time binary checks, that privacy "shouldn't" be an issue, but I'm not going to expand on it
    - reinforce not to fuck with the cipher suite in the cipher's sub-section
    they're not just using private tickets to hide security critical information from potential hackers and blackhats, no they also use it to hide shady AF things. Things that they fully know are shady as fuck and that they absolutely know a lot of people would not like. There's simply no other reason why they'd do that
    loops forever - fuck it

      - most break shit
    move shit around
    remember the new Coverage Telemetry shit? with a **hidden** opt-out pref? guess what, they are already collecting for 3 months ...
    but wait, that's not all. If you think an opt-out pref that 99% of people wouldn't know about even if it showed up in about:config BUT ALSO HAPPENS TO BE HIDDEN is kind of questionable, well ... the system addon that they use for this shit apparently looked or still looks for `toolkit.telemetry.coverage.opt-out` [1] instead of `toolkit.coverage.opt-out` as their documentation [2] claims
    It's time to opt out of all that shit for good. Disable system addon updates and kill it at the root
    shit is so fast I can't even read

       - ESR78 users (who can't use font vis), sorry, but we made doc fonts inactive for a while now, and now recommend you don't use it anyway
    Sorry, the patch for 59 was backed out, so RFP users will have to put up with CTRL key issues until 60 lands
    Sorry, but AFAIK, with this enabled it clears web extension storage when clear "offsite website data" is checked on close or manually (which we do in the user.js). Note also that even with this enabled, the UI settings are disabled, and the data-on-disk calculation never finishes, so at this point, its a bit useless to enable it until we figure that out. Will be back in 7 days