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apple/swift-nio + (2) -
    Sorry :| :
resume/resume.github.com + (5) -
    Slight semantic fix for "I do not have any public repositories. Sorry" message
andrewfiorillo/sketch-palettes + (5) -
    grabbed colors from picker. wrote them to the desktop. read file into color picker. fuck yeah
    Fuck yeah. Palette successfully loaded from file into Sketch. Also, Will is the man.
symfony/yaml + (5) -
    This is a second fix for the issue discussed in #20411. My first PR (#21279) didn't fix the bug in all cases, sorry.
    Sorry, the failing test is the following:
Jack-Cherish/python-spider + (2) -
    Update fuck-byted-acrawler.js
    Create fuck-byted-acrawler.js
    Create fuck-byted-acrawler.js
go-micro/go-micro + (3) -
    Fuck my life, why do I even do this to myself
jashkenas/coffeescript + (7) -
    Sorry for all the commits! It should really be done this time.
infinitered/ignite + (25) -
    Unclobbers the index.js.template file.  Sorry.
wearefine/fae + (5) -
    added cookie shit
celery/celery + (5) -
    * Initial hardcoded (sorry) change to the celery azure block blob backend.
    * oops forgot to remove some old references to code; sorry
bevyengine/bevy + (8) -
    There was PR that introduced support for storage buffer is `AsBindGroup` macro [#6129](https://github.com/bevyengine/bevy/pull/6129), but it does not give more granular control over storage buffer, it will always copy all the data no matter which part of it was updated. There is also currently another open PR #6669 that tries to achieve exactly that, it is just not up to date and seems abandoned (Sorry if that is not right). In this PR I'm proposing a solution for both of these approaches to co-exist using `#[storage(n, buffer)]` and `#[storage(n)]` to distinguish between the cases.
    (github made me type out a message for the commit which looked like it was for the pr, sorry)
    the cluster culling strategy reintroduces the cluster aabb code which was recently removed... sorry. the aabb is used to get a cluster bounding sphere, which can then be tested fairly efficiently using the strategy described at the end of https://bartwronski.com/2017/04/13/cull-that-cone/. this works well with roughly cubic clusters (where the cluster z size is close to the same as x/y size), less well for other cases like single Z slice / tiled forward rendering. In the worst case we will end up just keeping the culling of the equivalent point light.
    Credit to @aevyrie @alice-i-cecile @DJMcNab (and probably others) for proposing (and supporting) this idea about a year ago. I was a big dummy that both shut down this (very good) idea and then forgot I did that. Sorry. You all were right!
    @alice-i-cecile Sorry, had to recreate the pr. It doesn't let me reopen and change the branch of the original pr.
apollographql/apollo-client + (6) -
    Sorry, just realized I left off the js syntax highlighting
franck34/qjobs + (2) -
    switch 1.0.8 version, sorry ..
twbs/bootstrap-sass + (4) -
    This "fix" breaks everything. Sorry!
    Sorry about all the commits - still getting my bearings with compass.
certbot/certbot + (3) -
    As far as I can tell, the Arch Linux edge case described in the code comments no longer happens, but better to be safe than sorry I think.
    sorry, this one adds the previous commit about hashcash being dangerous...previous adds a symlink so clients can use it...grrr git is a mess within a mess
microsoft/microsoft-ui-xaml + (1) -
    * sorry more unnecessary code
Robdel12/DropKick + (34) -
    Fixed Robert's Fuck up

    better. I'm sorry.
heartcombo/simple_form + (3) -
    Kill space :shit:
BluABK/sane-subfeed + (6) -
    Something something fuck layout alignment, something something kinda working
oracle/truffleruby + (4) -
      synchronized block. Better be safe than sorry for thread safety.
    I'm sorry for the back and forth on this one. I introduced it back in
      better safe than sorry - synchronize LocalContext's field getters
    better safe than sorry - synchronize LocalContext's field getters
    whoops...sorry aaron.
    Sorry, it is wrongly pushed by accident.
    Sorry, this is wrongly pushed by accident.
    Fix for stupid JRUBY-2580 breakage. Sorry about that.
    My timing code should not have ended up in the repository. Sorry about that.
    Adding ruby_test tests into test suite...sorry guys, this makes it longer again, but we'll find a way to speed the test run soon.
    Fix for JRUBY-887; Omaps were totally broken - sorry about that.
xaviershay/enki + (10) -
    Jared says: this sentence is gramattically horse shit
fent/node-ytdl-core + (33) -
    * Omg I'm sorry this is annoying me
    change `relatedVideos` to `related_videos` for consistency, sorry for the inconvenience
NUBIC/surveyor + (6) -
    classes but I couldn't figure it out (sorry) so I fell back to loading
drhenner/ror_ecommerce + (15) -
    oops included a module that I havent added to the public repo.  Sorry All should work now
    typo in git path..   sorry for some reason it worked form me
gohugoio/hugo + (26) -
    56ecb233 Add just a shit ton of content

    OK, I'm getting tired. Sorry for the noise.
    Sorry, this should have been part of the previous commit.
    Sorry for not double-checking before pushing!
    Sorry for my premature merge of Pull Request #818.
    Sorry about this oversight in my recent commit.
brndnmtthws/conky + (6) -
    use g_free() for glib shit

    * hmm sorry
    sorry, testing this again
davidjtferguson/silly-sam + (2) -
    level work - tryin to get shit happenin
booksbyus/zguide + (12) -
    Not much, just fixed typo in comment - `if` rather than `it` - sorry, I'm a bit of a pedant!
    1Added Python PDF support (sorry it was so late)
puma/puma + (1) -
    This feature commit was erroneously included because it was marked as both a bugfix and a feature. We generally try not to include new features in patch releases but this one slipped through. Sorry about that!
    Sorry, dunno how that even happened. What a noob!
    (sorry folks on 1.8.6, time to upgrade anyway)
    mongrel 1.0.2 is not out; sorry
    Messed the package process and forced build of extension in Win32. Sorry about that, fixed.
animate-css/animate.css + (6) -
    Sorry to say, "wiggle" never really passed quality control for me.
    The previous minification stripped the % signs from the initial keyframes. Sorry this went unnoticed for so long. All should be working now.
    saying MIT would be better for their needs. Following blindly. Sorry
nushell/nushell + (9) -
    This in theory doesn't have to be an error (it is a diagnostic for nushell code) but it is probably better safe than sorry to require quotation here.
    that, sorry.
    4. registry_query (I don't have window machine, sorry for that I can't
    PS: Not sure if you like this kind of PR, sorry if not.
    Bye bye upx sorry (#4173)
apprenticeharper/DeDRM_tools + (4) -
    Sorry but typos are typos
ElemeFE/element + (8) -
    Remove fuck
dotansimha/graphql-yoga + (3) -
    * chore: move that shit to the right place
    * fix: update to the version that got all the fixes so the app does not crash anymore due to default import shit
Kong/insomnia + (21) -
    Removed stupid _schema shit
    * Lots of CSS shit
matrix-org/dendrite + (3) -
    * Add comment and nil check (better save than sorry)
houtianze/bypy + (1) -
    Revert previous commit - Not following Baidu PCS's fuck ups
evrone/quiet_assets + (10) -
    Sorry should be false of course
h5bp/Front-end-Developer-Interview-Questions + (11) -
    Sorry for being picky, but it's the proper way :)
0xZ0F/Z0FCourse_ReverseEngineering + (5) -
    Was debugging, sorry :)
docsifyjs/docsify + (1) -
    chore: remove fuck cssnano-cli

    Sorry, forgot to include this line in previous PR.
NodeBB/NodeBB + (4) -
    appeasing Travis CI, 'cause fuck code reuse, right?
    fuck, I am dumb.
    fuck git pt 2
    fuck git

    reverting change to User.search that added "timing" to the return of User.search. Such a change can only be made for 0.4.0, sorry!
yangshun/front-end-interview-handbook + (5) -
    Sorry for the grammar police. Thank you for the content!
c9/core + (26) -
    include shit
tobixen/thrash-protect + (35) -
    Sorry for the bad workflow practices.
rileytwo/kiss + (2) -
    changing the editor background color was admittedly a bad idea. i am sorry
Qwerty-Space/tanyabot + (6) -
    plural shit
spatie/laravel-medialibrary + (8) -
    * Remove unnecessary changes from my IDE auto formatting (sorry)
    Remove unnecessary changes from my IDE auto-formatting (sorry)
    Remove unnecessary changes from my IDE auto formatting (sorry)
    Remove unnecessary changes from my IDE auto formatting (sorry)
    Remove unnecessary changes from my IDE auto formatting (sorry)
    Sorry, I forgot to add the `@if($loadingAttributeValue) loading="{{ $loadingAttributeValue }}"@endif` test in this image view (following this PR: https://github.com/spatie/laravel-medialibrary/pull/2081).
    I am an idiot, really sorry about this but a while back I sent a pull request to update this. This needs to be reverted back as it was originally correct. I didn't realize I was on v7 and v8 got a huge change in namespaces.
marcj/css-element-queries + (2) -
    Sorry for that elementTyle should be elementType
qutebrowser/qutebrowser + (5) -
    master (sorry!).
    broken to investigate now... Future me, I'm sorry.
      it seems that didn't make it into the release notes - sorry! Too
                    throw new Error('jseval hack failed. Sorry :-( ' + window.__qute_jseval__);
    Another round of config breakage (sorry!).