Fuck. Shit! Sorry... Random
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danialfarid/ng-file-upload + (10) -
    Fix on commented text. I'm sorry for the previous pull request, I don't know where i was looking.
chiraggude/awesome-laravel + (7) -
    Sorry, someone had to do it. :)
pytorch/examples + (2) -
    I ran the example codes for [C++][DCGAN] but the 2 if statements in the nested for loop are not behaving as expected. The first one just prints the losses every epoch essentially since batch_index gets value 1 through the life of the program. As for the second one it seems to not save anything for the same reason as the first. Not sure if this code runs perfectly fine on other versions as I ran it on C++14. If I'm in the wrong then sorry I wasted your time with this PR.
trailblazer/cells + (-9) -
    why THE FUCK does a gem like mime-types limit the ruby version, a gem that barely contains any code?

    rack-cache < 1.3, will that help? i fuckin' hate that shit.

    fixed the railtie, sorry.
bobthecow/psysh + (2) -
    Sorry :)
pyenv/pyenv + (1) -
    Forgot about shim sorry
facebookarchive/nuclide + (1) -
    Shit, `InfoService.shutdown` wasn't completely updated to deal with the big-dig updates - there's definitely some work to be done here to eliminate the usage of `NuclideServer` (it's also being used for shutdown hooks :()

    Additionally (sorry to conflate commits!)
    Really sorry everyone. :(
    sorry for a huge diff. it was a spontaneous hack :(
    sorry for the large diff.
    This is a bunch of changes in one (sorry!)
    Sorry for the big diff! There isn't a great way to split this aside from moving each function piecemeal, so I hope you'll forgive this :P
    This is a HUGE diff! Sorry about that. I honestly didn't see any way to approach it incrementally (beyond the two refactoring diffs previously in the stack). That's because lifecycle needed a comprehensive rewrite, and lifecycle is a cross-cutting concern that touches everything.
asynkron/protoactor-go + (-3) -
    Hey Roger! Good to see you back! Sorry I was making games previously... btw could you add me to the Slack channel?
karmi/retire + (2) -
    This is due to the fact that ActiveModel does, for reasons unknown, funky shit here: <https://github.com/rails/rails/blob/v3.1.3/activemodel/lib/active_model/naming.rb#L50-52>
certbot/certbot + (3) -
    As far as I can tell, the Arch Linux edge case described in the code comments no longer happens, but better to be safe than sorry I think.
    sorry, this one adds the previous commit about hashcash being dangerous...previous adds a symlink so clients can use it...grrr git is a mess within a mess
xaviershay/enki + (10) -
    Jared says: this sentence is gramattically horse shit
tannerlinsley/react-query + (3) -
    Needs to be run from its own svelte-check package... sorry
ganqqwerty/123-Essential-JavaScript-Interview-Questions + (-1) -
    Due to some work I was unable to complete this book by April. Sorry for that. Hope all the guys who has requested for this book can understand.
mockito/mockito + (4) -
    - Massive commit, sorry about this.
    - in order to start seperating serializable funtionality (sorry 5 hg versions again)
Wox-launcher/Wox + (-3) -
    - Sorry for the trouble
zendframework/zendframework + (-2) -
    shit i checked in a unit test with an exit; brilliant!

    sorry, seams I need more sleep :-)
greensock/GSAP + (-1) -
    When we released 1.20.5 on NPM with the new ES modules, it caused breaking changes in some build systems, so we reverted (1.20.6 on NPM) in less than 12 hours and then did a major version bump to avoid those problems. Sorry about that!! So although technically this is a major version bump, it’s virtually identical to 1.20.5. Please see the release notes for 1.20.5 at https://github.com/greensock/GreenSock-JS/releases/tag/1.20.5 for details about all the improvements.
ziadoz/awesome-php + (-1) -
    > This project has been abandoned. It was only ever intended to be used as an example for PHPUnit features etc. and not for usage in production. I am sorry that I failed to make that clear. Please have a look at moneyphp/money instead.
pact-foundation/pact-ruby + (0) -
    Added diff_with_actual to String and Numeric and a shit tonne of tests. Want to start using this for all matching.
julycoding/The-Art-Of-Programming-By-July + (-41) -
    so sorry for 06.0, and I update it with new algo.
auth0/node-jsonwebtoken + (0) -
    * Forgot to change this one as well... Sorry bout that
absolute-quantum/cats-blender-plugin + (-1) -
    Finally fixed this shit!
zotero/zotero + (1) -
    non-English locales to Transifex scares me too much. Sorry, localizers!
      hover. And now you'll notice. Sorry.
    non-gradient icons. (Sorry ESR users.)
    Sorry for the flurry of version releases of late. They have been
    Thanks Frank, and sorry for overlooking this
    Disable asynchronous autocomplete for now, because it causes hangs (sorry Elena)
    * container-prefix got mixed up, should now be correct. sorry!
    Sorry, it was now or never, and now is better:
    - Autocomplete in Minefield seems to self-destruct after using it in the same field a few times, taking down saving of the field with it -- this may or may not be my fault, but it makes Zotero more or less unusable in 3.0 at the moment. Sorry. (I use 3.0 myself for development, so I'll work on it.)
    Forcing a trunk version bump for upgrade testing (sorry, it's easier than the alternatives)
    Fix the startup trouble the search code was causing (moved DB call into init() function rather than constructor) -- sorry about that
janl/mustache.js + (-29) -
    I'm sorry. :see_no_evil:
react-hook-form/react-hook-form + (5) -
    💔 fix the build from the last release (sorry)
robbiehanson/XMPPFramework + (-17) -
    Reorganizing file structure (sorry). Moving extensions into their proper place in the extensions folder.
reduxjs/redux + (-8) -
    (Sorry, I should have pushed this commit with the one yesterday. However, I just found the 'feature' today. I have translated this article to Chinese. [Link](https://github.com/camsong/redux-in-chinese/pull/145))
codeigniter4/CodeIgniter4 + (0) -
    Sorry for this.
harelba/q + (2) -
symfony/http-kernel + (3) -
    @frosas relying on X.Y.* is painful because you always need to wait until someone updates the constraint to get the new version. Of course using ~1.3 like in this PR means if I fuck up and break BC people will update to it, but that's a less likely occurrence than the alternative I think, so I would rather not use X.Y.*

    **I've sent it against wrong branch. It should be merged in 2.3. Sorry.**
    @frosas sorry I didn't get you still had the problem. I tagged a 2.1.7 of monologbundle which hopefully fixes your issue.
    sorry but i dont understand what you suggest. more over i dont see the problem. its already possible to seriously break stuff with compiler passes which cannot be easily enabled/disabled. this is just convenience. if it doesnt work because of some obscure combo then simply dont use it for the app since it needs to be explicitly enabled in the kernel.
    The example, sorry :smiley:
    ping @fabpot sorry to keep pushing this, but any chance you could take a look at this?
    _Edit: Sorry, couldn't resist adding a private helper class again!_
    Sorry for the delay, lifetime support is now implemented. What do you think about an AbstractProfilerStorageTest class to share some testing code between the different implementations (of cause in a separate PR)?
simplecov-ruby/simplecov + (10) -
    Sorry for the delay, me fighting with the Java installation.
mislav/will_paginate + (4) -
    - Added parens around method definitions (huge pet peeve of mine, sorry)
    Slight finder rewrite (yeah, again ^^). PaginatedCollection is now Collection and no longer only a proxy, but a real Array subclass. That cleans things up quite a bit! I'm clearing the way for more view helpers. Also, SEPARATOR constant is added to act as a default separator for page numbers. Initially it is a single space, which kinda reverts [207] (sorry PJ!).
davisking/dlib + (4) -
    - vtable implementation of apply_to_contents and visit() (sorry Davis for yet another change)
    * sorry, typo
coreybutler/nvm-windows + (5) -
    Sorry to be picky, but I got bitten by some ambiguous date format problems recently so...
elixir-lang/elixir + (-3) -
    Fuck yeah. Solve do ambiguity.

    Damn, this shit was hard.

    and implemented code changes suggested. (Sorry, I thought I had addressed
    The delete_at code sample has an "iex" missing the ">" right afterwards . Wasn't sure if that might throw off some doctests or not, so better to be safe than sorry.
    Brand-new language, and I put a ding in it. Sorry about that. :-(
    Sorry, a few more additions
jitsi/jitsi-meet + (-32) -
    * sorry, lint not checked
snapappointments/bootstrap-select + (0) -
    I'm sorry for the rebases
pyecharts/pyecharts + (-3) -
    Add: add table and fuck notebook
ossrs/srs + (-39) -
    check what a fuck os for some fresh.
mxcl/PromiseKit + (37) -
    Fuck off codecov
    Why the fuck cannot I not name files like I want to CocoaPods? Why?

    Document how shit CocoaPods is
    CocoaPods insists that this file be in the root, which is dumb. So I blame their inflexible and shit tooling.
    Due to CorePromise having 10.10, subspecs must specify at least this, even though, you know, CocoaPods could give a shit about my DX and automatically infer this.

    Sorry Carthage users, but what else can we do here?
    Means we no longer support Swift 3.1 on Linux. Sorry. Progress, etc.
    Fix tests. Sorry.
thoughtbot/administrate + (21) -
    "We're sorry, but something went wrong."
    but we aren't sorry that they aren't there.
marmelab/react-admin + (5) -
    Sorry it must have been an autocomplete mistake for the 'addition'. See new commit.
js-kyle/connect-assets + (-8) -
    Sorry for the confusion, @jasonmanners. Looks like it was just a test bug — you’re right that we needed to set { compile: false } in the options.
DeviaVir/zenbot + (3) -
    * fuck

    Sorry again for my error.
    Sorry, correct the code. The original was reported first tim goes right.
    Sorry again for my error.
    Sorry again for my error.
    Sorry, correct the code. The original was reported first tim goes right.
    Brucetus for being a cool dude. Sorry I couldn't help with hitbtc for those 0.01% refunds!!!!
telegramdesktop/tdesktop + (2) -
    - Fix "Sorry, group is inaccessible" message in scheduled voice chats.
    Fix 'Sorry, group is inac...' in scheduled voice chat.
izabera/inutility + (28) -
    but it's still stupid as fuck and i'm not gonna work around it

    move shit away from lib/
tensorflow/tfjs + (0) -
    This was omitted in PR #1151, sorry for that. :disappointed:
Netflix/zuul + (-5) -
    Sorry, no tests.   This code definitely warrants a test, but it is ridiculously difficult to add one.   I'm taking out a loan on our tech debt, which I hope to one day pay back.
golang/dep + (-3) -
    Sorry for this big change. I think it's a big improvement.