Fuck. Shit! Sorry...
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TheOdinProject/curriculum + (21) -
    I thought the wording of "getting your shit together" was unprofessional and jarring, so I changed it.

    Replace 'I'm sorry' with 'Sorry' in introduction_to_rspec.md
    Line 61. Further update to that paragraph for clarity and grammar. Changed 'it works the same' to 'they work the same way' to remove repetitive 'it' and complete the sentence with 'way'. It feels like a more complete thought this way. Sorry for not catching it in yesterday's edit. Thanks for what you do!
    Sorry I pasted live link twice
    added google homepage entry. Sorry if this is not the right way to do it. I am just a beginner any help and critics is appreciated.
    I'm not sure if I had successfully created the change last time, so I'm sorry if I duplicate the change.
    oops. I am sorry I edited some other parts of the doc by a mistake...
    Here it is.  And please let me know if this is the correct way.  I think I am supposed to link some *.md file, but not sure how I get a link.  Sorry, I am new.  But The Odin Project is great.  Loving it and addicting to coding.  :)
    I changed the URL to be an underscore instead of a dash. Sorry!
    The previous link opened to an error message of 'We're sorry. We can't find the article you're looking for.' . I have replaced it to a new updated link that goes to the correct support page on screen sharing.
    I am sorry...
    Oops, sorry for that!
    Sorry had to change GitHub link to my solution
    Sorry had to change GitHub link to my solution
    sorry about that
    Sorry I had it in the incorrect place first
    Sorry for my mistake, and apply the comments and suggestions.
    sorry. forgot to add link. fixed.
    Sorry for touching the command line. Hope this works better now and finds you well!
    (returning student) I added a solution as Mohammed Mahdi and deleted an old one i submitted a very long time ago as Mada Craiz it is in line 501 and is linked to a deleted page. sorry for the inconvenience.
    Sorry  , Had done a mistake before in syntax.
    Sorry  , Had done a mistake before in syntax.
    Sorry, same solution; I just updated my github username so I was reflecting the changes in my urls for the repo and the solution
    No heroku again, sorry :(
    could you please add my solution? Sorry, I didn't upload my app to heroku :(
    Last one I think. Sorry for so many... the organization of my github was starting to look to look like a junkyard!
    Sorry, I forgot to add in the preview url just now!
    Sorry for all the pull requests! I'd been meaning to rearrange how I had my repos set up.
    Sorry, my (obvious) mistake!  Now fixed as per request.
    Sorry about the extra asterix!
    Sorry for the previous pull request! Now it should be in the right order.
    Sorry for the inconvenience.
    Sorry Kate for putting it in the wrong spot!
    This is my first contribution, sorry if I did something wrong. Thanks for The Odin Project, it's pretty amazing!
    Fixed my broken link to Hangman (sorry!)
    Fixed my broken link to Hangman (sorry!)