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bevyengine/bevy + (8) -
    There was PR that introduced support for storage buffer is `AsBindGroup` macro [#6129](https://github.com/bevyengine/bevy/pull/6129), but it does not give more granular control over storage buffer, it will always copy all the data no matter which part of it was updated. There is also currently another open PR #6669 that tries to achieve exactly that, it is just not up to date and seems abandoned (Sorry if that is not right). In this PR I'm proposing a solution for both of these approaches to co-exist using `#[storage(n, buffer)]` and `#[storage(n)]` to distinguish between the cases.
    (github made me type out a message for the commit which looked like it was for the pr, sorry)
    the cluster culling strategy reintroduces the cluster aabb code which was recently removed... sorry. the aabb is used to get a cluster bounding sphere, which can then be tested fairly efficiently using the strategy described at the end of https://bartwronski.com/2017/04/13/cull-that-cone/. this works well with roughly cubic clusters (where the cluster z size is close to the same as x/y size), less well for other cases like single Z slice / tiled forward rendering. In the worst case we will end up just keeping the culling of the equivalent point light.
    Credit to @aevyrie @alice-i-cecile @DJMcNab (and probably others) for proposing (and supporting) this idea about a year ago. I was a big dummy that both shut down this (very good) idea and then forgot I did that. Sorry. You all were right!
    @alice-i-cecile Sorry, had to recreate the pr. It doesn't let me reopen and change the branch of the original pr.