fuck that other class, let's just get tabs and pills in there
fuck around with card borders and more
fuck around with responsive reflow table idea
Don't copy-pasta all the Sass docs because fuck keeping that up to date. Instead, point to
Revert to CSScomb 1.1.0 because 1.2.0 and 1.2.1 fuck up our compiled CSS
Sass docs; LESS to Less because fuck caps
Half fix for #9855: Don't fuck with margins for open modal dialog on account of Lion non-scrollbars and inconsistencies elsewhere
fuck aside and main elements, use divs so IE8 doesn't shit the bed
Fuck a color purple
* Drop the `rgba()` border and fallback because fuck that noise
holy fuck those were small buttons)
fuck everything about .clear_float() -- restore .clearfix() as mixin
update getting started to reflect latest changes; pull list of components because fuck that
Rename .hero-unit to .jumbotron becaue fuck dashes in filenames and sports metaphors are cooler than ad ones
Drop .label component. Instead, just use .badge because fuck dupe code and stuff.
Remove support for multiple buttons in input groups because fuck that shit.
hack the headings for sticky header so shit doesn't overlap
fix broke shit, ugh my bad
rewrite tab with new active shit
some minor alert shit
unfuck all that watch shit
fix vars, grunt that shit
overhaul nav and shit again
- Turned long lists of callouts--like those on tooltips, plugings, etc--into a list because holy shit that's overwhelming
use grunt-html instead of grunt-html-validation because holy shit it's fast
fix broke shit, recompile
fix more broke shit, run grunt
frontmatter that shit up
frontmatter all that shit
Nuke shit I added in 4d7b2ddba92e47f923d22d9d7b23cb7b0a3e0bc2 that shouldn't come until v4
fixes #9509: add margin around buttons so they don't shit the bed when wrapping
fuck aside and main elements, use divs so IE8 doesn't shit the bed
herpy derpy shit for urls
Vurrriables and shit
Holy fucking shit fix that input group with buttons rounded corner noise
restore glyphicons docs styles and then overhaul the shit out of them
Holy shit, buttons, button states, and input states updated
fix ghetto ass timeout shit
Remove support for multiple buttons in input groups because fuck that shit.
rewrite the grid system. Clean shit up tons - only generate 12 columns by default - custom builder will do differently if you request it.
help tables not look like shit on mobile maybe? also fix bordered table example
zebra stripe that shit
delete that shit
Added main topbar and shit.
Fix #17288 — Sorry about that!
Sorry, I f'd up the rebase in #17186
There has not been a release of libsass with this fix yet, sorry!
Sorry that took so long :D.
Super lame typo on my part, sorry @necolas :)
P.S. Sorry for 2 pull requests with the same problem..